gemini 2022 yearly prediction

Gemini Horoscope 2022 – Astrology 2022 Yearly Predictions

Gemini Horoscope 2022 by Talkastro offers Yearly Horoscope Predictions for the year 2022 for the natives of the Gemini zodiac sign. These predictions are based on the elements of Vedic Astrology. Read in detail annual predictions 2022 for Gemini zodiac signs and know what’s in store.

Gemini Horoscope 2022

gemini 2022 yearly prediction

People predict several things at the beginning of the year and desire to know how the New year turns out to be for them. The natives having the Gemini zodiac sign must be thinking heavily in the context of career, love life, finance, health, etc. In this regard, let us take a glimpse of all aspects of your future life.

Financially, the year 2022 will be average for you. Although the beginning of the year may not be favourable, things may turn in your favour by the end of the year.

During the first month of the year, Mars is going to transit from your seventh house and aspect your first house of self,you are likely to feel more confident due to the same. In the middle of April month, Jupiter will transit in Pisces in your tenth house while Saturn will transit in its own zodiac sign Aquarius,which falls in your ninth house. In this regard, you can get favourable results in the aspects of career and education and the students will be able to focus on their studies dedicatedly. You are suggested not to make any decision in haste in the context of finance, career and education.

There are chances that you may get mixed results from a family and married point of view. You may face some problems in both aspects. Talking about health, you need to take special care and do not turn a blind eye even to your minor problems.

According to Gemini Horoscope 2022 based on Vedic Astrology, Gemini natives will have to face several kinds of challenges in the year 2022. From the initial month i.e. January to March, Saturn will be present in his own eighth house of longevity in the sign Capricorn. Due to this, you will have to suffer from financial loss, and along with that, Shani Dev will also cause your health to decline. In such a situation, you are instructed to be careful about your health, while keeping control of your expenses at the most. Apart from this, the impact of many other planets is also indicating several health problems for you like acidity, joint pain, cold cough, etc., between 17 February till April.

However, after mid-April, the transit of Rahu will take place in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign, which we also call the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. In such a situation, the presence of the shadow planet Rahu in this house will give you some relief, and create positive changes in your life. Also, between April and July, the transit of Jupiter in its own zodiac sign Pisces will be impacting your tenth house of Karma, this will prove beneficial for most students. Because at this time, the students of Gemini zodiac sign will be able to win the hearts of people by delivering their best performance. This period will also help them develop their intellectual ability, so that they can get rid of every problem arising in understanding all their subjects.

Significantly, the 2022 Yearly Predictions are also indicating that after April 29, Shani Dev will enter your ninth house of the Kundli while transiting through the eighth house. As a result of this, some problems can possibly arise for the students. Especially if you are preparing for competitive exams, then you may have to wait a little longer to get the desired results. But this position of Saturn is going to be beneficial from the financial point of view because this will be the time when you will be successful in saving your money while keeping a check on your expenses.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a job, then you will get auspicious results as the planet Mars will be transiting in your Karma house, house of profits and twelfth house between mid-May to mid-August. While your enemies and opponents will be active at the workplace during this time, you will also need to be more careful towards them. Talking about your love life, the lovers of this zodiac sign will have an opportunity to get married to their beloved this year due to the infinite grace of Guru Brihaspati or Lord Jupiter. Especially the period between January till September will be the most favorable for your love life. But in the last three months (October, November, and December) you are advised to choose your words carefully while talking to your lover. The influence of Mars on your rising sign and the second house during this period will make you aggressive.

According to the Marital Horoscope 2022, the coming year will be mixed for the Gemini natives. Because where the influence of the auspicious planets will bring compatibility in your married life at the beginning of the year, the conjunction of three main planets (Mars, Venus and Guru Jupiter) will give rise to problems in your married life between April 17 to mid-June.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Financial Life

As per the Gemini horoscope 2022, the year is going to give average results. There are chances that the beginning of the year may be unfavourable. Saturn is going to remain posited in your eighth house, the house of secrecy, from the period of January to March. In this context, there are chances that you may have financial losses. However, situations may be favourable after April 27 when Saturn will transit in your ninth house of fortune on April 29 and you may earn profits.

Besides this, the transit of Jupiter in its own zodiac sign i.e. Pisces which falls in your tenth house of karma is likely to be favourable from a financial point of view. During this, you can get back your money or benefit from foreign sources.You may also have some sudden gains or profits. On the other side, the conjunction of three planets i.e. Mars, Venus and Jupiter in the middle of May may bring financial challenges and there are chances of unexpected expenses. In such a scenario, you are advised to spend your money carefully. You may also face problems in saving money. The end of the year is likely to be favourable for you. In the month of September and November, Saturn is going to remain poised in the house of uncertainties and due to this, your unexpected expenses will be high and you will not be able to save money.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Career

The year is going to be auspicious from a career point of view. You can be seen putting in extra efforts to make your life better. You are likely to remain focused on your career since your tenth house lord of Profession will be well placed in its own house by the month of April.

Due to the transit of Mars at the beginning of the year in your seventh house of association, you will get favourable results. During this, the atmosphere in your family can be favourable and you are likely to benefit from colleagues. The duration from January to May seems to be fruitful from a career point of view, Jupiter will influence your house of fortune majorly during this period. However, you may have to face problems due to workload from June till mid-July.

From the middle of May till the middle of August, Mars will transit the house of actions, profit i.e. eleventh house of gains and the tenth house of profession and this will prove to be favourable for you. This transit may prove to be highly favourable for those who are looking for a new job or desired job. However, you need to be careful of your opponents at your workplace. The month of December can be auspicious from a career front and the businessmen are likely to benefit the most.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Health

This year, you have to be careful about your health. At the beginning of the year, Saturn will remain positioned in the eighth house, in the house of longevity , and this may have a negative impact on your health and you can be under stress. During this, you are suggested to drive carefully.

The period from February 17 to April may inflict physical pain, as Mars, the malefic planet of diseases, will be in the seventh house and aspect your house of self. You are likely to suffer from cold, indigestion, joint pain, etc. and therefore, you should try to avoid the consumption of cold items and eat nutritious food. Besides this, you should exercise on a regular basis. On the other hand, you may not be able to stick to one eating habit or regime from August to September due to your bad health as Sun, the planet of heat transits in your fourth house of heart and lungs. In this scenario, you should not avoid even minor issues and take advice from a doctor.

You need to take special care of your health from the month of February till the middle of April since the sixth house lord of diseases will transit from your seventh house of longevity. However, you are likely to get favourable results in the context of health from the month of November till the end of the year.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Education

The year 2022 is going to be favourable from the education point of view, especially, those who are going to appear for the examination in the starting months of the year can be benefitted the most and they are likely to perform well in their exams and secure good marks. Due to the presence of the planet of knowledge and grace Jupiter in your ninth house, which will aspect your house of studies.

The period from April to July is going to be special for academic students due to the transit of Jupiter in the Pisces, which will aspect their fourth house of studies. They may feel happy and content. Also, they will appear sharp-minded and are likely to perform well in every subject and comprehend things in a better way compared to others.

However, Saturn is going to transit in Aquarius on April 27 and this is not going to be favourable from an education point of view. Those who are waiting for the result may feel disappointed. Besides this, they may have to wait to get success in the competitive exams. They are likely to get good results from September till the end of the year concerning education. Since your competition house lord Mars will aspect the house of fighting spirit and then will transit in the lagna, it will infuse aggression and passion within you when it comes to your studies.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Family Life

The year 2022 is likely to give you mixed results from a family point of view. The aspect of Jupiter will be in your 2nd house at the beginning of the year and this is likely to enhance peace and prosperity in your family. On the other side, the conjunction of three planets i.e. Mars, Venus, and Jupiter is going to take place in the month of May and its influence will last till June. During this time, you can have a workload and you will not be able to give time to your family.

However, there is a possibility that the period from August to November is likely to be auspicious from a family point of view. During this, you can buy a new house since Mars will aspect your house of efforts and property and there will be happiness in your family. On the other hand, you can go on a long trip with your family in the last few months of the year since family house lord Mercury will transit from the seventh house of Journey. You will like to spend a nice time with the members and your understanding with your family is likely to enhance. This year, it is important for you to speak your heart to your family directly.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Married Life

The year 2022 can give you mixed results and the beginning of the year is likely to be favourable, due to the placement of the seventh house lord of marriage in your house of fortune and fate. Your understanding with your spouse will turn out to be better and sweeter and you are likely to be benefitted from your better half.

The conjunction of Mars, Venus and Jupiter may give you bad results from the period of May till the middle of June in the context of married life. There are chances that differences may arise in your relationship and there may be stress and both of you are likely to be a victim of misunderstanding. The period from July to August is going to be lucky in the context of children and they are likely to progress and this will bring happiness to the family. On the other hand, there are chances that the last few months of the year are likely to be favourable from a family point of view. You can travel somewhere with your family during this time and try to spend quality time.

Gemini Horoscope 2022: Love Life

This year, there is a possibility that your love life might be favourable. You may feel happy at the beginning of the year, since Venus the lord of love and romance will transit from the seventh house of associations . After the month of April, fresh air will be infused in your love life and your relationship will become sweeter than before, since Venus will be in the exalted position during this period.You may also plan to tie the knot with your lover.

The transit of Jupiter in the month of April may bring many more positive changes in your love affairs. There are strong possibilities of love marriage. The period from May to July may prove to be highly favourable for those who are single or wish to propose to someone, as Mercury the planet of communication will be placed in the lagna. You may have to take special care in the last few months of the year. You should try to listen to your sweetheart calmly and sincerely and sink the existing differences. You are also advised to give time to your lover on the phone.


Wear 4 Mukhi Rudraksha after the worship of Lord Ganesha.

Serve Cow with jaggery and wheat breads every Saturday and

Donate items of green colour, especially on Wednesdays

Recite the Beej Mantra of Mercury.

Raj Yoga Report by Talk Astro: Know when Prosperity will Grace you!

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